Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tramp & Mosse Kangas- both adopted from BDHPI


Just wanted to let you know both boys are doing well. They are both all puppy and pretty destructive lately so they are lucky they are loved. Moose has discovered that sippy cups have milk inside and think they are a FABULOUS chew toy, who needs stuffed Kongs, lol.

We had a rare snowfall here and I was hard pressed to get Moose in the house at all. That dog LOVES snow. I almost feel bad we moved him to New Mexico. Maybe the Air Force will send us back to Alaska, it would be heaven to Moose, silly boy!

Tramp is doing well, while he has the heart of a big dog, I'm pretty sure he's going to not be any bigger than a lab. We are getting ready to take him to his 2nd set of obedience classes. He has mastered sit and come, but doesn't seem to get down so maybe round 2 will help.We are really enjoying both puppies although I am looking forward to less chewing:)

They are about as polar opposite as you can get in personalities but compliment each other nicely. Moose is so mellow, and Tramp is rowdy. But man can the 2 of them together find the trouble:) but they really do keep each other company which is what we were aiming for. Moose is about the best guard dog a girl could want(with another deployment around the corner this is a HUGE comfort) and Tramp is a huge snuggle buddy!

Thanks again for everything ya'll do for Big dogs!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season at BDHP's The Kangas Family

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