Monday, January 4, 2010

Kiara- Dog of the Week

Kiara is a sweet and adorable English Mastiff who is about as wonderful as they come. She loves other dogs and loves kids of all ages. I met Kiara at a dog park and was immediately taken with her. She was so loving, devoted to her foster family, and a very happy girl. She has a beautiful face and you have to look really close into her dark mask to even notice an eye is missing, infact, I was with her for over 30 minutes before it was pointed out to me!

Kiara is what we call Special Needs as that she has been diagnosed with bilateral glaucoma. She was completely blind in left eye which we surgically removed. She can still see very well out of her right eye but will ultimately go blind and need to be removed at some point.

I can guarantee if you meet her, any fear you have of blindness will go right out the window. Her loving personality outweighs any possible negative. Sure, her "good eye" may need some extra care, but as I have pointed out before here on this blog, I have yet to meet a perfect human either!

We are so thankful to the wonderful families that we've come across so far who have adopted some of our other Special Needs- Cassie the Blind Mastiff, Mama the Deaf Mastiff, Bigsby the Saint...we know there is a family out there for Kiara too! Maybe it's you?

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