Friday, February 19, 2010

Annie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Annie, the very sweet 3 year old tiny bull mastiff that was dumped by a breeder after producing far too many puppies in her brief little life passed away this morning in her foster mom Lindsey's arms.

When Annie came to us she was so afraid, and in so much pain from really awful joints, but she had responded incredibly well to Adequan shots to relieve her pain and her long-term prognosis for that was excellent. She was such a trooper through all of the vet visits, and tests and shots. She loved laying by the window in the sun at Lindsey's home and hanging out in the evenings watching TV on the couch. Everyone who met her just fell in love with her, and we thought her best days were yet to come.

Unfortunately, she recently started showing us that she was not feeling well at all, and Dr Brooks diagnosed her this week with end-stage renal failure. She spent her last day sunbathing with her brother, and then laying on the couch watching some movies and eating hot dogs with her mom.

Annie suffered for three years - but she was one of the lucky ones who got out alive and knew complete love and devotion by her people at the end. Lindsay, our hearts are breaking for you, and we are saying a prayer for you and Annie today, who I promise awaits you at the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you and Dr. Brooks for being her angels during her all too brief time with us, where she was safe, loved, and so well cared for.

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