To all of our Volunteers, Adopting Families & Supporters of BDHPI,
2009 is quickly coming to a close and owe the incredible success of this rescue to all of you!
To date, we have adopted out approximately 360 dogs this year and have 15 that currently have pending adoptions! We cringe to think what would have happened to those dogs without our help.
When we first opened our doors, we only adopted to families within our region, and it quickly became evident that our message was reaching all over the US and even into Canada. We have been amazed at the lengths in which our adopting families have gone to adopt from our organization.
There seems to be no end in sight for all the dogs in need, and it pains us we can't help them all. We can only continue our work through your generous support, and thank you for all you have done so far!
2010 holds great things for BDHPI; Pucks & Paws with the Avalanche, Yappy Hours, 2nd Annual Run with the Big Dogs 5k and our 1st BDHPI Gala! We hope to see you there.
We've all chosen to speak on behalf of the dogs who cannot speak for themselves, and you should be incredibly proud of yourself.
Please have a safe and wonderful New Year's!
All our Best,
The Officers of BDHP:
Lindsay Condon, CEO
Bree Dew, COO
Greg Smith, CFO
Dr. Rand Winton, CMO