Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How much???

All of us here at BDHPI are great supporters of pet insurance. Sure, there are companies out there that do not provide a legitmate service, but there are plenty of great ones too. Most of us get pet insurnace for the major injuries- bloat, torn ACL's...but I am here to say the little things can really add up with this giant breeds.

On Mother's Day we returned home to find our Mastiff non weight baring on a hind leg, with a horribly swollen foot. A 10pm run was made to the ER where we were glad to learn it was nothing more than some kind of infected puncture wound on the bottom of his pad. Foot soaks and antibiotics would do the trick....the issue, you ask? The $725.00 worth of antibiotics that he needed due to his weight- plus the $218.00 for the ER visit, cleaning and exam! A total of $943 for an hour visit with the vet! We did not do x-rays, which would have easily been another $300!

Of course, he is worth every penny and we would have gotten him care regardless of pet insurance. But I cannot tell you the relief to know that after a $100 deductible, our bill will be reimbursed at 90%.

Can you even imagine what the cost would have been for something more serious?!?

Here are just a few of the companies that we recommend!

In a time of crisis, knowing you have pet insurance is an incredible relief and you can base your decisions on the needs or your pets...not the needs of your wallet!

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